Getting help
Urgent help across Scotland
If you or someone else is in danger
You should call 999 right now if somebody is in immediate danger.
Call Police Scotland
You can call Police Scotland on 101 to talk to the police about something that isn't urgent.
Call NHS 24
You can call NHS 24 on 101 to talk about any non-urgent health problems.
Urgent help where you are
Contact your local social work department
Getting advice
Who Cares? Scotland helpline
If you're a care experienced person who needs to talk to someone, you can contact the Who Cares? Scotland helpline. It's open Monday to Friday, 12pm to 4pm.
You can access the helpline by phoning 0330 107 7540, or by emailing
SCRA: Useful contacts for attending a children's hearing
SCRA have a list of organisations who can give help and support to children and young people ahead of attending a children's hearing.
Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland: Human rights advice line
If you know - or are - a child or young person in a difficult situation, you can contact the Children and Young People's Commissioner Scotland.
The Commissioner's office runs a human rights advice line that can give you information about which human rights might be affected— although it's not able to give you legal advice.
The advice line is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. You can contact it by phoning 0131 346 5350, or by emailing