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Enquiries for The Promise Scotland

During office hours

The Promise Scotland's office hours are 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. In that time, you can make a media enquiry by contacting Nick Jedrzejewski, Strategic Communications Lead at nick@thepromise.scot or on 07760 649 386.

The Promise Scotland exists to support the delivery of the conclusions of the Independent Care Review. It is not a casework organisation or a representative body for the care experienced community in Scotland. On this basis, it does not usually provide media comment on individual cases.

Non-media enquiries

If you're not a member of the media, visit the contact page to find out how to get in touch.

Logo of The Promise Scotland.

Enquiries for The Oversight Board

All hours

If you have a question for the Oversight Board, you can send them an email at oversightboard@thepromise.scot.