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The Scottish Government has published a new report around its work to keep the promise.

In a statement, Chief Executive Fraser McKinlay said:

“I welcome the publication of this update on the Scottish Government's work to keep the promise.
“It is important to note the progress being made in key areas, including the work to stop children being placed in Young Offenders Institutions in Scotland and the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into Scots law.
“As set out in the update, there remains a lot to do, in particular: ensuring all children and families are able to access early help and support when they need it, spending money differently so that it is directed where it will make the most difference to children and families, reducing the numbers of children experiencing restraint, reversing the growing number of school exclusions and upholding the rights of all care experienced children and those leaving care in Scotland.
“The Promise Scotland will continue to support the change needed in these areas and remains committed to working closely alongside the Scottish Government to ensure Scotland keeps its promise to children and young people by 2030.”