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The process of establishing grounds must change:

A rights-based approach to drafting

The drafting of grounds and the Statement of Facts should be reframed. It should take a rights-based approach, so families can:

  • better understand why grounds are being established, and
  • better recognise themselves in the drafting.

Including strengths in a Statement of Facts

Where relevant and appropriate, the Statement of Facts shouldn't only include the challenges in a child's life.

Instead, it should also include:

  • their strengths, and
  • the positive elements of their care.

An end to Grounds Hearings

There must be no more Grounds Hearings.

Instead, grounds must be established in a separate process, before a child and their family attend a Children’s Hearing.

Encouraging a more relational way of working

A more relational way of working should be encouraged, to:

  • agree grounds, and
  • confirm the Statement of Facts.

This must involve the Reporter exercising professional judgement to determine when children and families may be able to discuss grounds.