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Changes must be made to the recruitment and training of Panel Members:

An updated recruitment framework

The competency-based recruitment framework which is currently used to recruit Panel Members must be updated and developed.

For the Chair, competencies must include:

  • personal qualities,
  • tribunal skills, and
  • legal competence.

For Panel Members the framework must be based on criteria that focuses more on personal qualities.

Panel Members should be local to a community, where possible

Where possible, Panel Members should be local to a child and family’s community.

However, there should be a focus on matching children and families to Panel Members they can relate to, and who are empathetic to their:

  • experiences,
  • challenges,
  • and circumstances.

Training and development based around the needs of an inquisitorial system

The training of Panel Members must:

  • meet the needs of an inquisitorial Children’s Hearings System, and
  • include an understanding of the broader ‘care system’.

All Panel Members must receive opportunities to:

  • continuously develop their skills,
  • reflect on the way they engage with children and families, and
  • reflect on their role.

Specialist Panels should be considered

The potential value of specialist Panels or Panel Members with specialist training should be considered.

Recruitment and training should remain with the National Convener

The National Convener should continue to take on:

  • the recruitment and training of Panel Members, and
  • maintenance of standards.