Changes to how a Child’s Plan is put in place
There must be changes to the way a Child’s Plan is put in place.
Duty bearers: Scottish Government | Local Authorities
Part of: Recommendations
There must be changes to the way a Child’s Plan is put in place:
Commitment to a Plan for every child
Every child who comes to a Children’s Hearing must have either:
- a Child’s Plan, or
- a clear timeframe for when this Plan will be in place.
A national template
There must be a national template for a Child’s Plan.
Updated GIRFEC guidance must be aligned with the promise
The Scottish Government update of GIRFEC guidance around the Child’s Plan must align with both:
- the conclusions of the Independent Care Review, and
- the conclusions of this report.
In particular, the Child’s Plan must include further consideration of the support needs of the family.