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The following measures should be considered with a view to both:

  • reducing the number of ‘repeat referrals’, and
  • and increasing coordination between the Children’s Hearings System and other parts of the ‘care system.'

Exploring the value of a 'closure report'

The potential value of a ‘closure report’ – sent from the implementing authority to the Reporter – should be explored.

An option for a detailed written report

There must be an option for the Reporter to produce a more specific and detailed written report to the local authority.

This must contain more of an analysis of the investigation process, particularly where children and families have been more involved in discussions alongside the Reporter.

Further collaboration where appropriate help's not provided

Where appropriate help and support for children and families has not been provided, there should be further collaboration between the Reporter and the local authority. The potential use of the measure contained within s.68(5) should be explored.

Re-referrals considered as continuation of previous concerns

Re-referrals of children to the Reporter within a specific timeframe should be considered as a continuation of previous concerns, instead of new circumstances.

Wherever possible, these re-referrals should be considered by the same Reporter a child had previously.

Mechanisms to capture data must be improved

Mechanisms to capture data must be improved, to better understand:

  • the impact of voluntary measures, and
  • why children are re-referred to the Reporter.