More effective use of data
An improved way to effectively – and more consistently – collect, share and learn from data across the Children’s Hearings System must be developed.
Duty bearers: SCRA | CHS | Local Authorities | Information Commissioner
Part of: Recommendations
An improved way to effectively – and more consistently – collect, share and learn from data across the Children’s Hearings System must be developed:
Data around decisions made by the Children’s Hearings System
Data should exist to inform and support national and local understanding of decisions made by the Children’s Hearings System, in terms of:
- their implementation,
- their impact, and
- their outcome.
Local authorities must be supported to:
- hold this data, and
- providethis data.
This should better enable informed and reflective decision making for all partners.
And it should also improve outcomes for children and families.
Work around positive solutions to legislative restrictions
Where issues arise due to legislation – such as restrictions around GDPR – all partners should work towards positive solutions.
This includes SCRA and CHS fully exploring means of:
- effectively sharing data, or
- jointly controlling it.
This should mean that the outcomes and impact of these issues on the wellbeing of children can be better understood.
The National Convener should share relevant information
Each year, the National Convener should seek to share information with relevant governance structures which is both:
- relevant, and
- proportionate.
For example, they would share information with Children’s Services Planning Partnerships. This would provide local decision makers with relevant, timely reflections on experiences within the Children’s Hearings System.