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The Promise Partnership Showcase event was about learning and celebration.

Held on Tuesday 27 June 2023, it looked to recognise the work of projects which:

  • received investment from the Promise Partnership's Getting it Right for Brothers and Sisters fund, or
  • received investment from the Promise Partnership's Good Childhood fund.

The Promise Partnership is administered by Corra Foundation, and this event was jointly hosted by:

  • The Promise Scotland, and
  • Corra.

About the event

At the event, each funded project developed a poster which highlighted:

  • the change which was driven by the funding, and
  • the learning gained from the project.

You can view all the posters in the gallery below.


Poster exploring

YMCA Edinburgh's project involved hiring an Engagement Worker to explore the needs and experiences of children with care experience, and trialling additional support to families.

Poster exploring Getting Relationships Right for Brothers and Sisters in adoptive, kinship and Permanent Fostering Families, a project from Adoption UK and AFKA.

This Scotland-wide service redesign supports staff and organisations by developing resources and training, to make sure the needs and rights of brothers and sisters are:

  • acknowledged,
  • understood, and
  • implemented

in care planning.

Poster exploring Young Person's Advisory Board, a project from Fostering Network

The Advisory Board provides a relationship-based and meaningful co-production space for young people to inform and guide the work of Fostering Network.

Poster exploring SHANARRI Safari and Values, a project from Circle.

Using the data collected through open call work, this project looked to co-produce practice principles. It aimed to further embed voice of care experienced families into how services are designed and delivered.

Poster exploring Contextualised Safeguarding Edinburgh, a project from Action for Children.

This project supported Action for Children to work in partnership with Edinburgh Council. Together, they co-designed and tested a contextual safeguarding approach focusing on child sexual exploitation.

Poster exploring B:Connected Lifelong Links, a project from Falkirk Council.

This project aimed to shift process and practice, by appointing two Champions to make sure Lifelong Links is offered to everyone aged five years and over at their statutory 72 hour review.

Poster exploring Staying Connected Project, from Families Outside (with SCRA)

This Scotland-wide research focuses on young people who are imprisoned.

It supports putting improved processes and structures in place so that these young people can keep up their relationships with brothers and sisters.

Poster exploring Getting it Right for Brothers and Sisters, a project from Dumfries and Galloway Council.

This project supports foster carers to sustain homes for children and young people for longer, helping to keep brothers and sisters together.

Poster exploring Codesigning Whole Family Support, a project from Glasgow Promise Partnership.

This project explored alternatives to traditional procurement, establishing tests of change around how children's services can be planned, procured and delivered.

Poster exploring Homestart UK, a project from Homestart UK.

This project is focused on:

  • improving children's rights in service delivery, and
  • placing voice and participation at the heart of service design across Scotland's Home-Start organisations.
Poster exploring  Invoice - Intadem's Youth Forum, a project from Inspiring Scotland and Intandem.

This project worked with young people to develop a youth forum, InVoice.

Poster exploring Moving On Highlands, a project from Aberlour and Action for Children

This project aimed for partners to use their collective experience to support children and families’ involvement in designing services.

Poster exploring Getting it Right for Brothers and Sisters in North Ayrshire, a project from North Ayrshire Council.

This project recruited a Family Wellbeing Support Worker to work with families who have siblings in care, or on the edge of care.

Poster exploring Rights in Justice, a project from CLAN

This project involves continuing to adjust internal infrastructure— including creating a new, specialised legal service for young people who are in conflict with the law.

Poster exploring Shared Lives Parenting Project, a project from Shared Lives Plus.

This project looks to make it possible for parents with a learning disability and their children to remain living together, by providing supported accommodation with a Shared Lives Carer.

Poster exploring Coproduction Initiative to Improve the Transition Experience, a project from Crossreach.

This project supports Cross Reach to use the existing structure of Design Teams – which include children and young people with lived experience – to:

  • look at transitions between services, then
  • use co-design to develop and implement improvements.
Poster exploring The Village, a project from Carevisions.

This project created a virtual village, offering innovative support –including coaching and learning opportunities – to children, young people and parents.

Poster exploring  What Matters to Brothers and Sisters Separated by the Care System, a project from STAR and AFKA

This Scotland-wide research evaluates current services to inform development and scaling up of the STAR model. By doing this, it aims to share the model as practice guidance across Scotland.

Poster exploring Reconnect, a project from Why Not Trust.

This project aims to develop an approach to allow people to get back in touch with their former foster carers.

Poster exploring Mindset in Care, a project from Winning Scotland.

This project aims to develop a new approach to continuing relationships within fostering, to support foster carers and young people to stay in touch into adult life.

Poster exploring Supporting Brothers and Sisters, a project from Children 1st Borders.

This project collates, maps and understands the needs of brothers and sisters in the Scottish Borders. It focuses on maintaining and reconnecting brother and sister relationships within a rural area.

Poster exploring Compass, a project from West Lothian Council with Children 1st

This project supports young people who are moving on to build stable relationships in their lives.

Poster exploring Staying Connected Toolkit, a project from AFKA Scotland

This project created a free practitioner's toolkit around managing transitions.

Poster exploring Positive Participatory Pathways, a project from Covey

This project researched whether offering a range of opportunities to young people would ensure their voices were at the heart of any future vision and strategy.

Poster exploring R.O.A.R Can you hear us now?, a project from With Kids.

With Kids created a framework to gather children's views without impacting on therapeutic relationships and processes.