Part of: What The Promise Scotland Does
Support to keep the promise through:



Generating understanding
Supporting Scotland as it works to deliver the promise
The Promise Scotland supports the workforce to keep the promise by aligning planning and delivery to Plan 24-30.
It does this through helping people to come together at:
- in-person Promise Learning Collaboratives
- monthly Online Sessions.
It also does this through Regional Networks, and through specific engagement with key organisations.
Upcoming Events
You can find out about upcoming learning events and book your place using the events selector below. If sign up is not yet live, then the event will link to The Promise Scotland newsletter which will have the latest information on events going live.
Promise Online Sessions: Voices of Infants (Voice)
Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Promise Online Sessions: Engaging Families where they are (Family)
Thursday, 27 February 2025

Promise Online Session: Masterclass - Creative co-design with children and young people
Friday, 28 February 2025

Promise Online Sessions: Facilitating Co-Design
Tuesday, 11 March 2025

More about our Learning Events
Promise Learning Collaboratives
Promise Learning Collaboratives are in-person sessions facilitated by The Promise Scotland. There are multiple Collaboratives a year, which are hosted in different places across Scotland. They’re free and are designed for the workforce, with their target audience alternating between frontline workers, team managers, and senior leaders.
Taking a national focus, each Collaborative is themed around one of the five foundations of Plan 24-30.
Collaboratives are meant to allow corporate parents and those working in children’s services roles to collaborate on a national scale, while sharing practice, learning, and solutions to problems.
What is learnt from attendees will be used to:
- inform future support, collaboration and learning
- feed into The Promise Scotland’s monitoring function
- help inform our online learning sessions.
It will help give a clear picture of what’s happening across Scotland to keep the promise— which will in turn help develop Plan 24-30’s route maps.
It will also help the workforce across the whole of Scotland, as learning from Collaboratives will be shared on this website.
For those unable to attend an in-person event, there will be follow up sessions online to allow you to contribute to key discussions and help capture learning and potential solutions.
Promise Online Sessions
Promise Online Sessions will be offered throughout the year, providing opportunities for learning, collaboration, and engagement.
They are:
- hosted online
- free to attend
- facilitated by The Promise Scotland and other partners.
Linked to Plan 24-30 and the Promise Learning Collaboratives, there will be sessions offered to engage online if people can't attend an in-person collaborative.
These online sessions, held after the in-person learning collaboratives, will allow participants to contribute to key discussions, share and help capture learning, and explore potential solutions to any barriers around keeping the promise.
There will also be separate sessions throughout the year on specific topics. These will include:
- webinars
- workshops
- briefings
- spotlight sessions
- masterclasses.
They will share new information, tools, and insights, offering timely updates and key messages.
Other forms of support
Regional networks
Regional Networks are a space which allows local learning around the promise to be shared.
Facilitated by The Promise Scotland, they see promise leads get together in particular regions of Scotland to network and collaborate.
Half of the 32 local authorities are currently part of regional networks.
Everyday meetings with key partners
Direct engagement meetings between organisations and The Promise Scotland team − including Promise Delivery Partners − will always be centred on Plan 24-30— and developing the relevant parts of its route maps.
Support in these meetings is about:
- supporting organisations to align and contribute to Plan 24-30
- understanding different perspectives that will help to inform policy development.
Supporting the workforce to solve the problems they face
Aligning with Plan 24-30 will require the workforce to design new – and better –ways of doing things.
The Promise Scotland hosts ways to support teams to do this. It helps them understand what’s in the workforce’s power to do, and how their efforts might have the most impact.
The Promise Design School coaches teams in the principles of service design, which can be used to tackle problems they’re facing.
And The Promise Design Tools help teams to tackle these problems themselves.
Promise Design School
The Promise Scotland provides support and tools to help drive significant change.
Promise Design Tools
The Promise Design Tools use the principles of Service Design to help Scotland in its work to keep the promise.