2025 and beyond: Moving faster
In the five years since the promise was made, Scotland has seen real and positive change.
But it’s still true Scotland needs to move faster as it builds upon this change.
The pace of work to keep the promise must be quickened.
Some of the key changes which still need to happen are highlighted below.
The Scottish Government has accepted the majority of the recommendations around redesigning the Children’s Hearings System, but several of these still need to be implemented.
Some of the redesign recommendations will require changes to Scots law. The Scottish Government intends any changes to form part of the upcoming Promise Bill.
Find out about The Promise Scotland’s work around redesigning the Children’s Hearings System.
The Scottish Government has committed to a Promise Bill before the end of the current Parliamentary Session in May 2026.
The scope of this Bill is currently being defined, and The Promise Scotland is working to make sure it helps to keep the promise in the best way possible.
Read about The Promise Scotland’s work around The Promise Bill.
It’s foundational to the promise that the way children and families are supported needs to change. Where children are safe in their families and feel loved, they must stay.
Progress is being made around this, but there is still a lot to do— particularly to make sure Scotland is spending its money in the right place.
There’s still a need to focus on the effective implementation, resourcing, recruitment and retention of the workforce.
This includes adequateand sustainable funding and support to develop lasting and loving relationships.
Systemic barriers must be addressed in order for the promise to be kept— particularly in the five areas identified through Plan 24-30:
- policy
- money
- data
- risk
- scrutiny
This must include removing profit from the ‘care system’.
2020-2025: Signs of National Change
Several changes have happened on a national level since Scotland made the promise in 2020.
2020-2025: Signs of Local Change
Throughout the last five years, Scotland’s local authorities have been working to drive local change.
The Promise Scotland: Supporting Change
Since being established in 2021, The Promise Scotland has supported organisations to keep the promise at a local and national level.