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About this poster

Carolina House’s poster shows steps they have taken to help young people living in their care develop skills in:

  • resilience
  • teamwork
  • problem solving, and
  • celebrating mistakes.

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Carolina House's poster from The Promise Scotland's conference.

This poster, “Unleashing the Potential of our Young People,” contains the following text:

The challenge

Our vision is that all children and young people, irrespective of their background, can grow up to be the best they can be and reach their full potential.

Carolina House Trust (CHT) are passionate about embedding a culture of Growth Mindset within its community of staff, carers and young people.

We have embedded Growth Mindset into our processes and practices, from recruitment of staff to supervision with our carers and sessions with our young people.

The intervention

The key intervention was a programme we developed with a Mindset Coach, where our young people developed skills in:

  • resilience
  • celebrating mistakes
  • teamwork
  • leadership
  • problem solving

We also provided sessions to staff, carers, approval panels and our Board of Trustees which focussed on how we, as a community, can support our young people in reaching their full potential.

The change

Mindsets and the use of language has changed with the young people and carers who attended the sessions. The children and young people would like to share with you their thoughts...

Before the sessions with Jamie I felt:

'nervous' JC and RS

'I was really happy to do this programme at the start.' NO

After the sessions with Jamie I felt:

'motivated and positive' JC and RS

'I felt like I had achieved something at the end of it' NO

The story

Noah has given permission to share his story of his journey through exploring what Growth Mindset is. Noah said that before attending the sessions, he felt really happy to this programme. Noah had admitted that he was struggling with 'trying to be more open' prior to taking part. Noah attended all three sessions and participated well in the activities, conversations and challenges. At the end of it, Noah said he felt like he has achieved something and had developed his ability to be more open with others. Noah was asked to describe Growth Mindset in three words and said this: "enjoyable, fun and changing." Noah received a trophy as an award. Look at that smile!