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About this poster

Glasgow Virtual School was established by Glasgow City Council with the aim of providing support to:

  • care experienced children and young people, and
  • those at the edge of care.

It looks to have the continuity of wellbeing and learning supported.

Some elements of the Virtual School include:

  • a team who works closely with staff in schools and children’s houses to support children and young people, and
  • training around the individual and collective needs of children and young people.

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Glasgow Virtual School's poster from The Promise Scotland's conference.

The text of this poster reads:

Nurturing care experienced children in education

Why did you want to make this change?

Glasgow Virtual School (GVS) was established in August 2021 with the aim of providing support to care experienced children and young people, including those at the edge of care. GVS supports the aims of our nurturing city approach and promotes the vision, values and aims of inclusive practice always striving to achieve the best outcomes possible for our care experienced children and young people. Education Services and Health & Social Care Partnership share an integrated approach to supporting our care experienced children and young people in line with our Delivering the Promise Board priorities.

What did we do?

We developed Glasgow Virtual School who strive to ensure all learners are engaged in an appropriate learning pathway by supporting the continuity of their wellbeing and learning through a rights-based approach. We have developed a team who work closely with establishment and children’s house colleagues to support children and young people.

A model of support has been created which includes:

  • Flexible, passionate team working closely with staff in schools and children’s houses to support children and young people
  • Training for Designated Managers, colleagues and partners about the individual and collective needs of our children and young people
  • Developing a variety of interventions for our children and young people
  • A relentless emphasis on The Promise education focus areas
  • Beginning our Rights Respecting School Journey and the implementing of The Promise Award in Glasgow
  • Partnering with colleagues in education services, HSCP and third sector partners to provide support and advocacy for children and young people
  • Building strong, sustainable partnerships with Volunteer Tutors Organisation (VTO), Blairvadach Outdoor Education Centre, Outdoor Resource Centre (ORC), MCR Pathways, Action for Children, First Steps Future Training and Skills Development Scotland (SDS)

How did it make a difference to children, young people and families that we support?

Young people said:

I enjoyed how fun it was. I could make jokes and still learn. It helped me a lot with my literacy learning. I felt that it has made me confident to be myself while learning.
I now go to school two times a week, but I didn't go before.
It’s brilliant! I love learning outside. It is good to have a go at things I wouldn’t get to do in school. I think B and I trust each other more.
I feel happier when I have been and sleep better.

Parents and carers said

Thank you so much for this! We really appreciate this support and am sure this will make all the difference to A’s achievement
Your understanding, calm and considered approach and consistency has been exactly what they have needed and has, without doubt, helped him to make the progress seen to date.
It has helped improve his learning/attainment as he is now back in school.

School Staff Said

We feel that this additional one hour each week could make a real difference to him and set him up well for P7.
This is enormous progress...this is the first time they had been out the house in a significant amount of time... All is going well and she is always engaged with their lessons.
I have seen a positive response in our young person’s mental health and mood. They are much calmer and easier to engage.

For further information on the Virtual School, please contact: CEL@glasgow.gov.uk