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About this poster

This poster outlines the services provided by STAR and AFKA Scotland.

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STAR's poster from The Promise Scotland's conference.

STAR reunites Brothers and Sisters separated in the care system through adoption or Kinship care, by providing the opportunity for quality and regular Sibling contact.

Run from its unique farmland setting, it provides a safe, fun and exhilarating learning environment where children can foster emotional bonds and help overcome the trauma associated with being separated from their siblings in a natural, calming and fun environment.

At STAR we maintain and nurture their unique relationships by providing opportunities for positive shared experiences in our natural safe spaces.

STAR is unique within the UK in providing a specialist site for Brothers and Sisters separated by the care system to spend time together. In its tenth year, STAR has grown organically from a passion to support Brothers and Sisters. There is great interest in Scotland and beyond about what can be learned from STAR about better ways to support relationships between Brothers and Sisters.


  • Who is best placed to support the time together?
  • How do they value the importance of brother and sister relationships?
  • What skills and resources do they need to support brothers and sisters?
  • Can they be a consistent person for the brothers and sisters?


  • Where will it take place?
  • It is a welcoming space?
  • Does it offer safety and privacy?
  • What support do the brothers and sisters need to get there?

AFKA: Association for Fostering, Kinship and Adoption Scotland

AFKA Scotland supports practitioners and organisations working in fostering. kinship and adoption to promote the safe and loving care to which every child has a right.

We are undertaking a process evaluation of STAR funded through the Getting It Right For Brothers and Sisters fund. It aims to:

  • Provide learning for STAR's future development.
  • Articulate a model of ST AR's service that can act as a guide to those looking to develop similar services within their local area.
  • Identify key learning in developing better practice when supporting relationships between brothers and sisters in care

(Extra)Ordinary Activities

  • What do brothers and sisters want to do?
  • What creative ideas do you have for things to do?
  • Do activities support kids being kids with their brothers and sisters?
  • Do you have things up your sleeve if plans need to change?
  • How will special occasions be celebrated?


  • What are you going to do?
  • How long will it last?
  • Who takes responsibility for organising?
  • What preparation will help manage my anxieties?
  • What resources are required?