Stories of Change: Conference posters
Part of: Stories of Change Conference
The Stories of Change conference showcased 27 posters from organisations across Scotland.
The posters highlight some of the work which has already happened around the promise. Every one of them is collected below.
Stories of Change Conference Posters
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Barnardo’s Scotland
This poster from Barnardo’s Scotland highlights some of the steps they’ve taken to embed the promise.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Care Inspectorate
The Care Inspectorate’s poster highlights their unique role in keeping the promise as a regulator and scrutiny body, and shows their implementation model.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Carolina House
Carolina House’s poster shows steps they have taken to help young people living in their care develop skills including resilience and teamwork.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Children's Hearings Scotland
This poster shows highlights from the Children’s Hearings Scotland Impact Report 2022-23.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: CYCJ
Among other work, CYCJ’s poster highlights the development of two projects: Reimagining Justice and Reimagining Secure Care.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Edinburgh Leisure
This poster highlights several stories of change, including a collaboration around housing for care experienced young people entering adulthood.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: East Renfrewshire
This poster highlights several stories of change, including a collaboration around housing for care experienced young people entering adulthood.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Foster Care Connect (Creating nurturing relationships)
This poster from Foster Care Connect looks at an enhanced way of providing support to children and young people and their fostering families.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Foster Care Connect (Creating trauma-informed foster carers)
This poster looks at the development of a new, accredited qualification specifically for foster carers.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Get Set Yeti
Get Set Yeti are working in partnership with Carolina House Foster Care Trust to develop practical tools to aid their commitment to fulfil the promise.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Glasgow Virtual School
This poster focuses on Glasgow Virtual School, which aims to provide support to care experienced children and young people, and those on the edge of care.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Glasgow City (More than words: A language of care in Glasgow)
This poster describes the work of Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) as they moved towards realising a culture of care.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Glasgow City (Standing up for Scotland's siblings)
This poster focuses on the work of Glasgow Children’s Services in creating a new sibling assessment tool, the Family Connections Assessment and Plan.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Harmeny
The Acorn Project allows young people to live and learn at Harmeny until they are 18, with continued support beyond this.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: MCR Pathways
MCR Pathways are a school-based mentoring programme, which helps care experienced young people with pathways to positive futures.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Midlothian
This poster shows a young care experienced person in a gym, engaged in trampolining.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: NHP
The House Project from NLP is built around young people's ability to leave care to take ownership, and to live connected and fulfilling lives.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: NSPCC
This poster looks at a project on what it means to implement the recommendations of Scotland’s Independent Care Review for 0–3-year-olds.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Glasgow City (Review of 16+ Accommodation and Services)
Glasgow City Council’s vision for accommodation and support for over 16s is to meet the needs of all young people, and to help them to thrive.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Scotland's Adoption Services
Scotland’s Adoption Register’s Response to Change aims to support certain people meeting the needs of children and young people in Scotland.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Shetland Islands Council
The Life Time Connections project offers care-experienced children the opportunity to feel confident in asking about their past and current family life.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: South Ayrshire Parenting Promise Roadmap
The poster highlights several initiatives around keeping the promise from the South Ayrshire Council.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Sport Aberdeen
This poster focuses on Sport Aberdeen’s SPACE project, which directly supports children and young people to create and shape their own packages of support.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: STAR- What matters to Brothers and Sisters
This poster outlines the services provided by STAR and AFKA Scotland.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: STAR- What matters to Brothers and Sisters
This poster outlines the services provided by STAR and AFKA Scotland.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: The Supporting Birth Parents Project
This poster outlines the process through which the supporting birth parents project was created.
Stories of Change Conference Poster: Who Cares Scotland? Highlands
This poster four Festivals of Care, which brought corporate parents and care experienced young people together to learn and explore alongside each other.
Stories of Change
Change is happening to #keepthepromise. And across Scotland, people are finding ways to drive it.
Stories of Change: Conference photos
Photos from The Promise Scotland's Stories of Change Conference.
Tell Your Story of Change
Change is happening to #keepthepromise. And across Scotland, people are finding ways to drive it.