Statement on Resignation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon
Statement from The Promise Scotland, Promise Oversight Board and Fiona Duncan, Independent Strategic Advisor and Promise Scotland Chair.
Wednesday, 15 February, 2023
Part of: News
In a statement following the resignation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today, February 15, Independent Strategic Advisor and Chair of the Promise Scotland Fiona Duncan said:
This morning in her resignation speech, Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland’s First Minister, talked about how her approach to politics was “duty and love”.
I, and many, many others, will always appreciate the way in which the First Minister listened carefully to thousands of stories told by members of the care community to develop her understanding that Scotland’s ‘care system’ must become one that loves and nurtures each and every child that comes into its orbit.
This, and subsequent support to #KeepThePromise, secured cross-party support and transcended politics.“It will have meant a great deal to many who were listening today to hear the First Minister say the care community is “in her heart” and her dedication will be “life-long.
And I look forward to continuing to work with her, and all committed to #KeepThePromise in the future.
The Promise Scotland said:
The Promise Scotland echoes the thanks of our Chair.
Both the Independent Care Review and #KeepThePromise secured cross-party support.
There is #StillLotsToDo to make Scotland’s vision to #KeepThePromise a reality and The Promise Scotland and Fiona Duncan are committed to continuing to engage with elected politicians of all parties. And look forward to working with the First Minister’s successor in due course.
The Promise Oversight Board said:
In her speech on 5 February 2020, commending to parliament the conclusions of the Independent Care Review, Scotland’s First Minister announced the establishment of The Promise Oversight Board, with half of its membership being care experienced. The entirety of the Review’s conclusions secured cross-party support, allowing our work to start.
We hold Scotland to account around whether it's doing enough to #KeepThePromise.
Today in her resignation speech, the First Minister pledged a ‘life-long’ commitment to the care community. We thank her for this, and reiterate our commitment to monitor, and report on progress to #KeepThePromise.