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The Promise Scotland is delighted to work with One Parent Families Scotland on an approach to advising and supporting parents and carers to navigate the often challenging routes to prepare young people to ‘move on’ into independent living or return home from this at a time that is right for them. Not excluding any families or children and young people, One Parent Families Scotland will take a specific interest in the challenges faced by young people from around the age of 14 and the needs of parents and carers in a range of family settings, including adoptive and kinship.

Whilst the starting point will be single parents and lone carers, One Parent Families will progress on to support for all families, with a focus on the priority groups in the Child Poverty (Scotland) Act 2017.

Satwat Rehman, Director of One Parent Families Scotland stated:

"We bring a wealth of expertise in understanding the particular challenges faced by single parents and lone carers. The families we work with often face the additional challenges brought by poverty and inequality and experience of the care system or at its edges. These challenges can become overwhelming when the young people in their families begin to think of moving on from school, health services, for example; or, feel pressured to do so".

Jackie Brock, Chief Operations Officer of The Promise Scotland said:

"The Promise Scotland works with a wide range of organisations who are helping Scotland learn how it can change and adapt its approaches to #KeepThePromise. The Promise Scotland is delighted that One Parent Families Scotland wants to use its expertise to add to the work currently underway in two of the most challenging aspects of Plan 21-24: Moving On and Whole Family Support The approach of One Parent Families Scotland will add to the rich learning being led by the third sector and local authorities, for how Scotland can #KeepThePromise".

More information will be available on the website in the coming weeks. If you wish to discuss this project in more detail, please contact satwat.rehman@opfs.org.uk.