Hearings System Working Group
Part of: Change projects
The Hearings System Working Group (HSWG) existed to bring change to the Children's Hearings System.
It was a partnership between:
- Children's Hearings Scotland, or CHS,
- The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration, or SCRA, and
- The Promise Scotland.
The Scottish Government also played a critical role.
Response to Scottish Government consultation on Children's Hearings System redesign
The Promise Scotland has responded to Scottish Government's 2024 consultation around redesigning the Children's Hearings System.
Hearings System Working Group podcasts
Download options: Podcast on Young People and Hearings System Redesign
Download options for this podcast.
Download options: Podcast on Hearings System Working Group conclusions
Download options for this podcast.
Redesign Report
The Hearings for Children redesign report calls for historic reform to the Children’s Hearings System in Scotland.
Hearings for Children: Redesign Recommendations
Summarised versions of all recommendations in the Hearings for Children Redesign Report.
Hearings for Children: Summary overview of recommendations
Summary overview of recommendations in terms of what matters to children and families.
Hearings System Working Group: Reports and minutes
Child-friendly summary overview of recommendations in terms of what matters to children and their families.
The Hearings System Working Group's final report sets out how to redesign the Children's Hearings System so children are put at its centre.
Summary overview of recommendations in terms of what matters to children and families.
The Hearings System Working Group's final report sets out how to redesign the Children's Hearings System so children are put at its centre.
Download the easy read version of the Hearing System Working Group's Emerging Issues report.
This report shares some of the HSWG’s early thinking, which will form the basis of the recommendations sent to the Scottish Government next year.
The Issues List is a document with 56 questions across 5 categories. It will guide conversations and deliberation around the Children’s Hearings System.
Minutes for the ninth meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the eighth meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the seventh meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the sixth meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the fifth meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the fourth meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the third meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the second meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.
Minutes for the first meeting of the Hearings System Working Group.